EPW014950 ENGLAND (1926). The Church of St Dionysius and the town centre, Market Harborough, 1926
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Title | [EPW014950] The Church of St Dionysius and the town centre, Market Harborough, 1926 |
Reference | EPW014950 |
Date | 11-April-1926 |
Link | |
Parish | |
District | |
Country | ENGLAND |
Easting / Northing | 473424, 287263 |
Longitude / Latitude | -0.91879491199682, 52.477979581337 |
National Grid Reference | SP734873 |
coventry road |
K9-Q |
Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:23:22 PM |
The Church of St Dionysius southwest face |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:21:46 PM |
the war memorial |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:20:06 PM |
adam & eve st an ally leads a building that was the start of the thomson travel empire in quaker yard a plaque above the entrance now commemorates his achievement |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:16:58 PM |
mill hill footpath to the top of mill hill rd gave access to the properties running back from the top of mill hill rd and onto adam & eve street. a reference to its accessibility can be seen on google street maps 2009 edition before building/redevelopment work restricted its vehicle/pedestrian access (a google map link to this area copy and paste or google search) https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.4784758,-0.9202635,3a,75y,40.85h,77.1t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1ssZ0xCFrZSDWnhggyBec6sw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 08:13:51 PM |
mill hill rd st mary's rd end |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 07:20:44 PM |
the symington bell tower spared the fate of the rest of this building and preserved as a display piece in welland park grounds a short distance southwest of this location |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 07:09:19 PM |
the peacock hotel/inn |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 07:04:28 PM |
welland house/market harborough building society |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 07:02:23 PM |
the cock inn public house |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 06:57:18 PM |
the dolphin inn public house |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 06:55:56 PM |
the bridge between the two symington buildings on adam and eve st |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 06:54:12 PM |
harborough iconic grammar school |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 06:50:33 PM |
harborough iconic grammar school |
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Saturday 7th of November 2015 06:50:27 PM |
town gas barometers of the town gas works before the natural gas network of the 1960s most towns had a coke/tar and gas works to supply gas for lighting & cooking tar for the roads and a coke by product for heating in the home or commercial premises boilers, town gas made by cooking coal in large ovens and the production of tar from coal came to an end when north sea gas was discovered and was cheaper to supply and less pollution in the air from closer of the coke ovens. |
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Sunday 1st of November 2015 03:17:34 PM |
town gas barometers of the town gas works before the natural gas network of the 1960s most towns had a coke/tar and gas works to supply gas for lighting & cooking tar for the roads and a coke by product for heating in the home or commercial premises boilers, town gas made by cooking coal in large ovens and the production of tar from coal came to an end when north sea gas was discovered and was cheaper to supply and less pollution in the air from closer of the coke ovens. |
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Sunday 1st of November 2015 03:17:30 PM |
symington boiler house a underground culvert runs across the town to the commons car park by a small weir to give a head of water for feeding the boiler room that had its own power generator in case of a grid power failure.the sluice gate could be seen by looking over the river retaining wall by the weir itself. here is a photo taken by MR R Higgs of the weir in 2015 showing the dismantled retaining wall footings in a river reclamation program along the welland to improve the water flow. the old symington factory sluice gate is hidden from view by the vegetation on the right of the picture but can be seen by observing over the wall next to the pump room / toilet block in the commons car park. thanks to mr higgs for the use of this picture |
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Sunday 1st of November 2015 02:18:27 PM |
symingtons factory demolished in the 1970s and the remainder converted to the district council offices the bell tower now in welland park as a display piece. |
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Sunday 27th of September 2015 07:04:58 PM |