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Original Text (Annotation: SPW050827 / 1372841)

' I lived in that house top left corner of the works just to the left of the chimney, before the field starts. It was called Millerston House. The works by the 1950's was owned by J & R Howie Ltd who made bathroom and kitchen ware. My father Ewen Anderson was the manager of the Marine Dept. That door on the gable end was our front door. It was created so that we could access the top floor or attic, where we lived, of the main building. The offices and gatehouse were on the ground floor and the works engineer, Mr Hamilton, was on the 1st floor. Jim Williamson was my mate and his dad was the gatehouse man and lived in the row of cottages just S.E. our building on the main road. We were there approx. 1952-1962. This picture was taken before the new kilns were installed and they would have obliterated most of the site to the right and south of the chimney. The chimmney remained until 1958ish as I remember them bringing it down. They brought it down brick by brick from the top as it was too dangerous to blow up. '