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Original Text (Annotation: SAR014712 / 2047315)

' Carlton Place on the south bank of the Clyde opposite the city centre. In the centre with the tower is Gorbals Parish Church, which was demolished in 1973. Designed by Peter Nicholson in 1802, Carlton Place was the showpiece river frontage of John Laurie's development of a high-class residential area, which he named Laurieston, to the south of the River Clyde. Despite considerable investment, however, Laurieston failed to become an exclusive suburb - the establishment of heavy industries in the area, and the unpleasant atmospheric pollution that they created, meant that affluent Glaswegians preferred to move to homes in the West End. Italian tradesmen executed the sumptuous plasterwork and internal decoration in some of the buildings. This is especially true of Laurieston House, (No 52), the main feature of the terrace and once the home of John Laurie and his brother David. It is regarded as the most splendid, intact Georgian house in the city. Carlton Place has recently been restored to something of its original glory, and there are proposals to allow the public access to the restored Laurieston House. '